Bay's Travel Blog

I don't travel much any more. Resist!

Thursday, May 08, 2008

May days

I love May. I do; it's the most glorious month of the year in both terms of weather and the things that bloom.

The bachelor's buttons in this picture aren't the best clump I've seen around here, but my neighbors with the daisies mixed in probably wouldn't appreciate me stompin' around in their yard trying to take a picture, y'know?

Tomorrow we're supposed to be hiking in the Smokies, so I am almost positive the rain will move in and prevent us again.


At least the rain will cool things off, and of course, after last year's drought, I'm hard pressed to complain about precipitation. I think we still have a way to go before we've recouped all our losses last year in the water table.

So honestly, at this point, I don't know whether I want it to rain -- and postpone the hike -- or not.

Maybe I'll figure it out by the time I blog next.

In the meantime, listen to my and Amy's latest podcast. I giggled more than usual even though we almost got into a fight over Project Runway bizness.


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